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February 17, 2014

Compare two version of php.ini after move server

Filed under: Linux — Tags: , , , — admin @ 10:48 am

Well, after install and move one server to other one problem is to keep same information in php.ini . However I don’t think is ok just to copy and replace them, so a compare script should be run.

So I found one , and improve it a little.
cat comparephpini.php
$val ) {
if( $val == $c2[$key] ) continue;
echo $key.': '.$c1[$key].' // '.$c2[$key]."\n";

foreach( $c2 as $key => $val ) {
if( $val == $c1[$key] ) continue;
echo $key.': '.$c2[$key].' // '.$c1[$key]."\n";

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