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November 14, 2012

How to disable eximstats from ssh console

Filed under: Linux — admin @ 11:05 am

Today I was facing a problem. What I want is to stop eximstats from ssh. Well after I serach on cpanel.config and didn’t find anything, I figure it out how to stop it from ssh.

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd --status
This will print if eximstats is active
tailwatchd is enabled
Running, PID 29074
Driver (Active: 1) Cpanel::TailWatch::cPBandwd
Driver (Active: 0) Cpanel::TailWatch::Antirelayd
Driver (Active: 1) Cpanel::TailWatch::ChkServd
Driver (Active: 1) Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats

So if you want to stop one of them just run
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd –disable=Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats

This will disable eximstats for you.

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