How to , and other stuff about linux, photo, php … A linux, photography blog. To remember some linux situation, and fix them quickly.

October 30, 2013

PHP-SOAP Installation on DirectAdmin

Filed under: Linux — admin @ 4:29 pm

New problem on my side. On a DirectAdmin server. First of all I was thinking that it using repository, however I was wrong. The direct admin use a custom build.
So , how to install php-soap on a directadmin server without yum install php-soap ?

Well first of all you can go do build directory :
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

Here you can see what is the actual configuration with:
./build used_configs

The php file will be I think

Now append –enable-soap to the end of the file. Don’t forget to add a “\” to the end of the last line.
Basically you will have something like :

“–enable-mbstring” \
“–with-imap” \

You have to modify it something like

“–enable-mbstring” \
“–with-imap” \
“–with-imap-ssl \”

After this run
./build php all


October 3, 2013

SSH key-type, rsa, dsa generate

Filed under: Linux — admin @ 9:07 am

Well if you need to connect using rsa key or dsa is easy to genearte them .
Just run this in directory where you want the output.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa

DSA is faster for signature generation but slower for validation, slower when encrypting but faster when decrypting and security can be considered equivalent compared to an RSA key of equal key length.

You can add also
-C ""

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